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Now that I know that word usage can correlate with the events of the past, I went back to Google’s Ngram Viewer to determine if its results can help me focus the topic of my final project. My final project will be about the atmospheric nuclear test programs conducted by the United State during the Cold War. But since these programs were conducted over decades, and in a variety of locations and conditions, it would be sensible to narrow down the topic in order for me to create a sound argument.  I decided to use the words “nuclear tests” and “nuclear testing” to see where they place on the chart to help determine where to narrow down my research. I will then use the results to help me find a time frame to work in and determine what information to look for in my sources.

According to Ngram Viewer, I might want to try to focus my project between the years of 1956-1965. Since word usage can correlate with historical events, I believe that the increase of the usage of these words showed that the United States was performing many nuclear tests during this time. I find that this would be a good time frame to use to obtain information for my research. Ngram Viewer also showed that I could look specific information to aid in my research. Since the usage of these words occurred the most between 1956-1965, I can create my argument based on sources that focus on the programs and events in that time period. I will have a stronger argument using sources that that have information on the programs of the 1960’s.

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